Dog hot spot Google Instant image for PetCopywriter blog post about marketing to pet owners

Two simple keyword tips for pet web content success

Two simple keyword tips for pet web content success If you’re taking the time to write helpful web content and a blog in the hopes of attracting more customers to your pet business website, it pays to know exactly which phrases pet owners are using in Google and other search engines. For instance, if you

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Dog walker Kingston RI local pet business web content

Is your local pet business website missing this critical content?

Is your local pet business website missing this critical content? If the mission of your website and/or Facebook efforts is to bring more customers to your local pet business, you may want to give yourself a reality check on the LOCAL aspect of your content. After all, people in your community use LOCAL phrases to

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PetCopywriter photo Facebook timeline example

Easter bunny social media success for your pet business

Easter bunny social media success for your pet business You’ve probably heard that pet owners spend more time today on social media sites than ever before. And confirms that consumer use of social media has grown 250% in the past two years… so you need to be there. And yes, it’s true that likeable

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3 Ways to Turn Customer Questions Into Magnetic Pet Website Content

I’m guessing your pet business or veterinary company gets the same questions again and again, day after day. Customers and prospects want to know how your product works, how it solves their problems, what colors it comes in, and much more. And while you’re happy to answer those questions, you may not have thought about

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Pet Marketing Calendar Template

Simple steps for easy pet business content marketing in 2013

Did January slip by before you created your pet marketing strategies to engage prospects with content, such as blog posts, news items, Facebook posts and so on? Well, it’s not too late! You may be thinking, “Ugh. Something else I have to plan out.” But you can keep it easy with an editorial calendar that

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Dog Stroller Website Results in Google

Get More Customers to Stroll Over to Your Pet Website

Dog strollers — they’re everywhere. The airport, the mall, the coffee shop. A neighbor pet owner explained why. “My little dog can’t keep up with me on my long walks. When he gets tired, I plop him in the stroller and keep going.” Aha — I get it! Here’s why this matters to you. Does

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PetCopywriter pet content marketing

Content Marketing Will Be A Huge Pet Industry Trend for 2013

It looks like 2013 will be a pivotal year in which content marketing is a “must” strategy for pet and veterinary companies, whether you’re marketing pet products or your business is a pet or veterinary industry supplier. According to B2B Content Marketing: 2013 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends,* which surveyed more than 1,400 North American business-to-business

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Does Your Pet Website Pass This First Impression Test?

If you’re wondering why your pet or veterinary website isn’t bringing in the volume of sales or leads you expect… it may be due to your site’s “First Impression.” Let me explain. I’m always following web industry experts who measure different aspects of what works with search engines and site visitors… and recently I came

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Storytelling is a Marketing Strategy of Dr. Buzby's ToeGrips

Storytelling is a Brilliant Strategy for Pet Product Sales

This is my first post in a series featuring pet businesses I admire. I’m very happy to showcase them as shining examples you can learn from, because they serve as excellent models of pet marketing strategies that work. The first featured business is Dr. Buzby’s ToeGrips, a unique, powerful and yet very simple solution to the

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