If you’re frustrated with your pet business website and you’re thinking, “What can I do to bring in more traffic and sales?” — consider the blog.
In spite of the explosive social networking platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and others, blogs are still extremely helpful for attracting customers via the search engines.
Here’s proof. A client I now work with was unhappy with his search engine rankings for certain important phrases related to his services for pet professionals. Simply put, he was upset that, “My ideal prospects aren’t finding my website.”
So we started blogging tips about his pet-business services, and just after 6 blog posts — voila! The blog appeared on page one, second spot in Google results. Not bad for just 6 posts.
Is this a fluke? No way! I’m getting the same results for THIS blog, and many of the blog experts I follow are enjoying similar results or better.
Consider these 3 reasons why blogging is a fantastic strategy, whether you’re marketing to pet owners or other pet businesses:
- Blogging gives you a chance to let your brand’s personality shine through. Think of your blog as an excellent place to present your brand’s unique “voice.” If your blog is written by you or someone equally excited about your company, it’s truly a unique and fresh voice in the sea of similar companies. No-one else has your personality and communication style. And when you’re passionate about your business, your audience, and the solutions you provide… people can tell. They feel they “know” you as a friend or problem-solver who truly cares about helping others, and are therefore more likely to buy from you.
- Blogging helps establish your brand as a go-to authority on topics related to your business. Over time, as you post more and more topics related to your business category, you’ll build a reputation as someone to follow. A website filled with blog posts that help prospects and customers is essentially a “catalog of solutions” for them. For example, let’s say you sell healthy, all-natural dog treats and you blog about the extraordinary nutritional properties of the ingredients you carefully select for your products. Your audience will be grateful to learn about these nutrients and think, “Wow – this business really cares about my dog’s nutrition and health! Look at all this helpful content on why they choose certain ingredients over others.”
- Blogging that includes a smart keyword strategy can move your website up in search engine rankings very quickly. If you’re a local bricks-and-mortar business and you talk about local pet community events, local weather, local dog parks, etc. — your local prospects will find you. Especially if your local competition is not providing content that’s focused on local solutions. These days, it’s absolutely necessary to blog about local topics if you own a doggy daycare or boarding facility, a dog grooming business, a cat-only veterinary practice, a pet supplies store or other local business, and you want people to find you when they type in “[town] dog groomer” (for instance).
Blogging is fairly easy, too! Simply open up your blog page and start talking (typing). 🙂
If you need help with a blog strategy or setup, contact me for assistance.
In the meantime, here’s to a profitable pet website!