What is a quality website when marketing pet products?

If you’ve always wondered why some pet-industry websites show up higher in Google results than others… or even yours… today I’m going to reveal what Google considers to be a quality website.

You see, when a person uses Google to find websites that meet his or her needs, its algorithm for finding the best, most relevant website results include 200+ questions about the web pages it has indexed on the Internet. Check out this wonderful Google video that explains how that works.

My favorite question that it asks is,

“Is this page from a quality website, or is it low quality… even spammy?”

Quality content matters if you want to show up high in Google results, whether you’re marketing to pet owners, pet businesses or even veterinarians.

So what exactly is a quality website according to Google?

In a nutshell — Google wants to see content that’s written for people first, not search engines first. Sure, it’s important to use relevant search engine keywords in your web page headlines, links, titles and other text. But primarily these keywords should be woven ethically into customer-focused benefit messages , in a “What’s in it for me?” approach.

In other words, if your web content is 100% focused on explaining how you can solve your visitors’ needs… Google will consider your site a quality website. Its Web Master Guidelines states, “…ask, ‘Does this help my users? Would I do this if search engines didn’t exist?’ Great question.

In contrast, low quality websites (according to Google) are full of SPAM (unwanted/hyped-up ads and tricks) or keyword stuffing.  This type of content does not acknowledge the visitor in a respectful way and offer helpful information and solutions. Plus, low quality websites have slow load times that force visitors to “please wait.”

If you’re not sure if your web site is offering quality content, email me and we can look at it together. I can help you identify strengths, weakness and opportunities for improvement.

Until next time,

Here’s to a clear and prosperous site!

Pam Foster
