Have you ever seen a web site with text that looks like this example from a dog training service?
Because we come to you, your dog-training sessions can be set up to fit into your busy schedule. Evenings, weekends, one-time power sessions, or long-term assignments, we have dog trainers available to respond to any variety of circumstances. Our trainers specialize in many different areas and subjects, from puppy training to socialization to training guide dogs for vision-impaired individuals. Our trainers also come from a variety of backgrounds. We will work with you to figure out which type of trainer will best meet your needs.
You probably see that every day. The content is one big blob of text, without letting the important messages stand out.
Here’s the problem with that … and a very easy solution.
Each time someone visits your site, that person gives you about 3-5 seconds to let you know what you offer. Maybe even less time. In most cases, he or she will quickly scan your home page, looking for key information about your products and services.
If this becomes “work;” if you make it hard for prospects to find your key benefits, facts or offers, they may give up and move on to the next web site.
Ideally, your site’s messages should be presented in bite-sized chunks so it’s super-easy for prospects to scan your pages and find exactly what they need.
It’s very easy to shift your messages to scannable user-friendly text.
Here’s that dog training example again … with the above text revised and reformatted for easier scanning.
We’ll come to you to train your dog — anytime, anywhere.
Our trainers can arrange sessions around your busy schedule. We’re available evenings, weekends, and for one-time power sessions or long-term assignments.
We’ll match you with the perfect trainer for your specific needs.
Looking for help with puppy training fundaments or specific behavior issues? Our trainers have the following varied backgrounds — and one is just right for your learning goals.
- Certified trainers
- Individuals who have been training dogs for many years
- Volunteers
See the difference?
Now take a look at your site. Is it truly scannable? Ask someone who represents your target audience to take just 5 seconds, read the main text area, and then tell you 5 main things about your company.
You may be surprised by what you learn. And then you can fix it.
Until next time,
Here’s to a clear and prosperous site!
Pam Foster